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Tuning in with Abundance


Do you beleive you are worthy of infinite Abundance? Most of us live our lives completing tasks, achieving goals, ticking-off the endless lists, taking care of our children with the fear of them lacking... This infinite quest for happiness (which we assimilate to Abundance!) we are heartlessly chasing for with our minds and actions, exhausting oursleves in our highways of monkey thoughts towards something we imagine as a destination. Until one day we can't take it anymore physically or mentally or both: the universe just makes us Stop. Stop for what?? "You must slow down" says that voice, "what are you running after?" And that's the moment when your shoulders fall down, and your finger goes standing up to your lips. That space :-)) From that space on, you will ask yourself questions, your perspective will start changing and you will eventually go trough the journey of our famous onion peel, skins of truths until you find that ' that 'something' you were chasing for - was always there.

Your present state of Abundance is the seed from which more abundance can grow.


When we notice what may be lacking in our life, we tend to focus on the negative and because of that, we experience more lack. If we can instead focus our attention on what's abundant about a situation, our feeling of abundance grows.

We are extra cautious about using our infinite resources, which could be the result of our fear of not having enough in your life. These feelings may leave us feeling insecure about ourselves and our current situation. This would be a good time to realize that your life IS abundant as it is. If you begin to feel afraid about your circumstances today, you might try meditation on your first chakra, which is the energy center for survival. Bringing your attention to the base of your spine, you can imagine your spine connecting to the earth. Feel the earth supporting you and know that with this connection you have stability in every aspect of your life. You may want to repeat to yourself that in this moment you have abundance and security. You could find that this gives you a greater feeling of well-being and safety.

Reminding ourselves of the plethora of resources we have in life allows us to overcome our fears of lack. When we focus on what we don't have, we create scarcity in our lives and will always feel insecure about our situation. By bringing our attention to our first chakra and creating a connection with the earth beneath us, we have the energetic support to steady ourselves. We realize that as long as we have this support, we have everything we need in life. By seeing that your life is full today, you will understand that abundance is not measured by your resources but through your conscious ideas about your life.


If you take some time to think about the areas of your life where you need to be most productive, you will find many opportunities to transform your workflow into one that is easy and unobstructed. In order to make room for this new easy flow, consider clearing away the unnecessary in all aspects of your life today, including professional, domestic, financial, spiritual, and emotional.

Clearing away objects and habits that no longer serve our highest good can make room for more beneficial circumstances to enter. We are accumulators by nature, consistently adding to our store of provisions, collections, tools, and knowledge. Though our store of items can help us feel secure, we can also reach a point when our cluttered surroundings become overwhelming and restrictive. Choosing to clear away the unnecessary things in our lives can instantly lift our moods and energize us, improve our productivity, and create openings for greater abundance to enter our lives. By releasing that which no longer serves you today, you can create a lighter and more productive environment that enhances all aspects of your life.


When we believe that we are deserving of great abundance in this life, we are more apt to do what is necessary to achieve whatever forms of prosperity and success we so ardently desire. Even if we have embodied meekness or indecisiveness in the past, we grow assertive once we accept that we are working toward an established destiny. Similarly, our productivity soars in those areas of our lives related to our dreams as our intense determination empowers us to focus wholeheartedly on pursuits related to our individual goals. No person or power can dissuade us from following our chosen paths, as we are no longer subject to the destabilizing forces of disillusionment and disappointment. Today, your conscious approach to your objectives will help you make the most of all of your many blessings, providing you with the will and strength to attain what you deserve!


You may feel abundant and find yourself examining your future business prospects with more optimism today. This mood can be powerful in nearly any endeavor since you will be putting forth the energy of abundance with every action, which will help attract more beneficial outcomes. You can enhance this likelihood by consciously choosing to send out clear intentions to the universe with every step you take today. Simply give some thought to your desired outcome of each action, and state it clearly in affirmative language before and during the activities you pursue. For example, "With this action, I intend to attract a business partner who shares my vision." This will help you to be much more decisive about your own actions and intentions, while at the same time clarifying your desires to the universe.

By forming clear intentions and consciously releasing them to the universe, we put forth the right frequency of energy to attract exactly what we desire. While our actions are also a form of intention, choosing to form our desires into words and release them to the universe adds power to our intentions. This process can help us become clearer about what we're trying to create in our lives, allow us to communicate our desires to the universe in more specific ways, and enhance our ability to attract corresponding circumstances. With a focused mind-set and clear intentions, you can emit powerful energy that will begin to attract the formation of the outcomes you desire for this upcoming year!


Your sense of self-worth may be strong today, and as a result, you may feel compelled to seek out opportunities to aid individuals in need in your community and beyond. Whereas once you might have felt your financial and personal resources had intrinsic value, you may now perceive their value in the context of charity. A desire to share your abundance with people who are in need of aid can inspire you to examine your assets in order to determine how they can be kindly utilized. As you endeavor to improve the lives of those around you, you may find that you feel intensely positive and fabulously wealthy in spirit.

Since the satisfaction we derive from our resources is determined by our use of them, sharing our abundance with those less fortunate can be a fantastic way to take pleasure in our blessings. When you employ the gifts you have received from the universe to improve the lives of others, those gifts grow in value and significance over time. Your philanthropic use of the resources with which you have been blessed will help you understand that truly momentous joy can only be had when you channel your abundance into charitable service. The lasting happiness you feel when aiding others will always outshine the momentary happiness you feel when treating yourself. You'll feel truly blessed and affluent today when you use your abundance to improve the lives of others.

Make a difference.


"Living by example, planting the seeds of the future, Nourishing the Mama seed within us."



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