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Top Herbs for Respiratory Health


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fall is the season associated with the Lungs.

Our lungs are always at work. At every moment of the day they’re cleansing the air, delivering oxygen to the cells, and energizing the body with life. They are constantly filtering, protecting, and transforming the external world into a refined and perfected air, cleansed of pollutants, and environmental irritants. If we don't provide maintenance to our precious filters, they stop working well, and allow irritants to easily pass through into the body. In today’s world it’s pretty impossible to evade toxins altogether through our air channels. Which just places a greater importance on keeping our lungs happy with the right diet and herbs before an issue manifests. Many people don't tend to pay attention to the lungs unless they have to, yet it’s of vital importance to keep them strong with the right practices, herbs, and diet to feed the body and mind oxygen rich nourishment.

Whether you’re dealing with a respiratory infection or you suffer from chronic respiratory issues like asthma, chest congestion, chronic bronchitis, and allergies, take comfort in the wonderful lung tonic herbs. Many of the lung tonics below can be easily grow in your backyard like mullein, pulmonaria and wild cherry, and are a pleasure to intake for general lung health. Each herb plays a different role when assisting the respiratory system – some play within the recovery part like thinning mucus, or soothing a dry and irritated cough, and others in the prevention part of the process, like clearing and boosting the strength of lungs. 


Black Elderberry

Elecampane Root



Plantain Leaf

Golden Rod


The word used for breathing-in is “inspiration,” which is the main function of the Lung, both physically and spiritually. To be properly “inspired,” we must create space by getting the old stale air out, along with old, preconceived notions of reality. In emotional and spiritual terms, the Lungs rule our processing of grief and trauma, and can be greatly affected by too much worry and sadness. Lungs balance the ability to yield and demand, give and take, hold on and let go. When the Lung (Metal) energy is out of balance, order and discipline are rigidly maintained, the emotions are kept under tight control, rules and routines become inflexible, and the body begins to stiffen up. Physically we are more prone to bronchial infections and sinusitis. Our allergies are amplified and issues like asthma and heaviness of the chest can appear. There are quite a few lung tonics out there that really help on a long term level, as well as select others that help with acute conditions — physically and energetically. The good news is that nature has provided us with a variety of herbs that provide medicinal constituents that support the entire respiratory system.  

“It’s in our bones to harvest the gifts of the Earth and say thank you by creating nourishing gifts that feed life. We bring the Earth into our home, we create healing remedies, and we feed life together

FRESHLY BREWED for a healthy vibrant immune system !

We have a fresh new batch of ELDERBERRY OXYMEL on this October New Moon! Elderberry is a renowned anti-viral, nutrient dense, respiratory tonic with a plethora of healing benefits. Oxymel herbal preparations have been made by druids herbalists since ancient times in North America and Europe for immune protection.

Our Elderberry Oxymel will be a high potency extract, and containing other powerful anti-viral and lung supportive plants. The raw honey + apple cider vinegar maceration base makes it totally kids friendly.. and they do want more!

Homegrown organic herbs: Thyme, Mints, Rosemary, Pine needles, Chamomile

AirClear Herb Steam ritual for congestioned nose, throat & lungs. Herbal Steams are a wonderful way to clear congestion for adults and children. Steam adds warmth and moisture to the air, which may improve breathing and help loosen mucus inside the airways and lungs. Headache. Stuffy nose. Throat irritation. Breathing problems caused by airway congestion. Dry or irritated nasal passages. Cough.

Put 4 cups of water in a pot. Heat the water until it's not quite boiling, just steamy. Put two handfuls of herbs in the water, and let steep for 10 minutes. Create a tent with a towel over your head to inhale the steam. Inhale the steam for no more than 10 minutes. Not recommended for children under 12 years old.

Note: Please seek immediate medical attention if your symptoms are severe, such as difficulty breathing. These herbs are not a substitute for life-saving pharmaceuticals like inhalers or EpiPens. Please seek the guidance of an herbalist or naturopathic doctor if you have serious health issues or are on pharmaceutical medications.

Plant Magic blessings, Jaya



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